At long last: Welcome to our new website!
The third and final phase of our yearlong rebranding project has reached its conclusion… or should we say beginning?
Over the past year, with help from Philadelphia design studio Pixel Parlor, we renamed our organization Mt. Airy CDC; we created a family of new logos for Mt. Airy CDC, the Go Mt. Airy promotional initiative, the PhillyiHub business training program, the Work Mt. Airy coworking space, Lovett Park, and the Mt. Airy Schools Coalition; and now, we launch the new look of gomtairy.com. Or is it mtairycdc.org? Yes.
Regardless of how you got here, we want you to find answers to your questions, and to learn more about all of the things we’re doing to make Mt. Airy an even better neighborhood. Interested in the upcoming dates for Supper Sessions? Find them here. Looking for a nice, neat listing of local businesses? Got one of those here. Ready to get a certificate for completing a housing counseling program that will get you a grant for your new home? Sign up for our FREE workshop here.
We’re happy you’re here. Click around, check things out, let us know what you think. And of course, be sure to follow us @GoMtAiry on Facebook and Instagram, and while you’re here, sign up for the Go Mt. Airy newsletter.
Welcome back—to the all new thing. Go Mt. Airy!