Lots of businesses in our neighborhoods and across the country have had difficulty filling open positions on their staffs. To help bring some light to positions available, the Northwest Philadelphia Hiring Open House will take place on Saturday, June 26th in Germantown, Mt Airy, and Chestnut Hill.
As a service of the Go Mt. Airy Business Association, Mt. Airy CDC has partnered with our peers at Germantown United CDC and Chestnut Hill Business District to provide local businesses the opportunity to bring people in en masse to fill vacancies, learn about the local economy, and most importantly provide good local jobs.
PLEASE NOTE: The Open House is not a centralized job fair, but rather, a day for businesses to dedicate a few hours at their locations to meet and discuss details with prospective employees.
To see the full list of participating businesses in each of the three neighborhoods, see the Facebook event HERE.
If you’re a business in one of these three neighborhoods and you’re hiring, please use THIS FORM to participate.