Support Us

Donations provide Mt. Airy CDC with the essential resources needed to continue our work to preserve and strengthen our wonderful community. Mt. Airy CDC is a federally recognized 501(c)3 organization; donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support.

Donate online
Use our secure online donation form here. (Please note: this link will open a new, secure, credit/debit card processing page.)

Donate by mail
Donations can also be sent by mail to Mt. Airy CDC, 6703 Germantown Ave. Suite 200, Philadelphia PA 19119. Please make checks payable to Mt. Airy CDC.


Our EIN is 22-2526396.

Our Tax Form 990 is here.

Our GuideStar/Candid Verification

Go Mt. Airy Club

Join the Go Mt. Airy Club, our membership program with exclusive benefits in the neighborhood!


With a Mt. Airy CDC sponsorship, we’ll help you position your brand in front of a receptive community, and in turn, your support will help to activate civic space, foster business opportunities, and build responsible home ownership and financial freedom.


Mt. Airy CDC provides lots of volunteer opportunities throughout the year, including the MLK Day of Service, Go Mt. Airy Supper Sessions, and more. Follow our @GoMtAiry social media events for announcements or contact our Events Coordinator Michelle Lofton to inquire for upcoming opportunities.



Donations provide Mt. Airy CDC with the essential resources needed to continue our work to preserve and strengthen a vibrant and diverse Mt. Airy.


Job Board

We encourage our visitors to utilize our free job board to post jobs within the 19119 zip code. Jobs will be displayed on the job board for up to 30 days once approved by our staff.