Founded in 1959, West Mt. Airy Neighbors (WMAN) is the city’s Registered Community Organization (RCO) serving a footprint of Germantown Avenue to the east, Wissahickon Creek to the west, Cresheim Creek to the north, and Washington Lane to the south. WMAN is a member-supported, nonprofit civic organization whose mission is to support and advocate for the needs and concerns of the West Mt. Airy community, nurture our social fabric in all its diversity, and help protect and steward the inevitable transformation of our beloved physical and natural environments.

Founded in 1966, East Mt. Airy Neighbors (EMAN) is the city’s Registered Community Organization (RCO) serving a footprint of Germantown Avenue on the west, Stenton Avenue on the east, Cresheim Valley Drive on the north, and Washington Lane on the south. EMAN’s mission is to make a good community better—through partnerships, problem-solving, and promoting projects and public improvements that encourage positive community development.

Mt. Airy BID
Founded in 2007, the Mt. Airy Business Improvement District (BID) serves to clean and green Mt. Airy’s commercial corridor. The BID’s goal is to use the property owners’ assessments in a fiscally responsible manner to improve Germantown Avenue through trash cleanup and beautification with planters and pocket parks from Washington Lane in the south to Cresheim Valley Drive in the north.