What We Do
Founded in 1980, Mt. Airy CDC serves the community with a mission to preserve, empower, and advance a vibrant and diverse Mt. Airy.
Housing Counseling
Our free workshops help hundreds of people a year navigate the world of homeownership. Our HUD-certified counselors will work with you individually in a private and comfortable setting to cross all your T’s and dot your I’s through the process of buying—and keeping—a home.

Community Programs
Mt. Airy CDC’s Community Programs and Public Life initiative is arguably our most public-facing program. This program area includes the Mt. Airy Schools Coalition, the Healthy Aging Initiative, Lovett Park programming, and all our community events like Supper Sessions on the Avenue, Moonlight Movies, Mt. Airy Monday Markets, and Autumn on the Avenue.

Community Events
Throughout the year, Mt. Airy CDC provides several opportunities to bring the community together for fun, free events around the neighborhood.

Business Services
Mt. Airy CDC’s focus on Business Services has been a key platform of the organization, particularly through the renaissance of Germantown Avenue since our founding in 1980. Through physical improvements, marketing and promotion, business development, and recruitment activities over the past 40 years, Mt. Airy CDC has helped re-establish vibrancy on the Germantown Avenue corridor.

Real Estate & Infrastructure
Mt. Airy CDC undertakes real estate development projects that turn blighted and underutilized sections of Mt. Airy into vibrant and thriving community assets.