EDITOR’S NOTE: Green District Media is no stranger to Mt. Airy CDC and folks who follow us on our @GoMtAiry channels. The team has been a great partner to the organization, having produced our 60 Seconds With… videos, as well as our Mt. Airy Schools Coalition videos. In this PhillyiHub Spotlight, we sit down with Owner and Creative Director Cobbina Frempong, talking about his experience with the PhillyiHub program.
What is the name of your business?
Green District Media

Tell us about your business concept.
Green District Media is a full service video production company based in Philadelphia. We pride ourselves on problem solving through video content. “Providing the perfect visual for your voice” is how we operate.
How did you hear about PhillyiHub?
I was referred to the program by Go Mt. Airy Business Association Manager Aggie Edwards.
How did the PhillyiHub impact your business concept?
PhillyiHub helped give me the confidence to take the leap full-time into my business.
What advice do you have for incoming PhillyiHub students?
Network! Network! Network! And always ask a lot of questions.